“O Tell Me the Truth about Love”

–W.H. Auden

And he had found that the truth came when he opened himself up like a book to another. That there were no secrets between them, that all was open, honest, and–finally– trusting. One had simply to trust and let go (of ego and the guarded self). It was that simple.

So that with imagination, empathy, and caring, the miracle of closeness and intimacy could take place without holding back, without fear. Molly Bloom’s “yes” at the end of James Joyce’s Ulysses. And that the largest freedom and fulfilment of all occurred naturally when two became one, two souls ‘umbilically’ connected, and one felt both spirits entering and in one another.

A conjuncture of souls. And the freedom that resulted was completely different from basic autonomy and the freedom and strengths of one.

“I dwell in possibility” (Dickinson)–and it was a possibility that could not be perceived, understood, accepted, and appreciated until that conjuncture, when that glorious union took place. Ah, the freedom of two as one, the freedom experienced when really, fully set free in and by another–a rich harmonized freedom and depth experienced and lived by two simultaneously, living and loving in and for one another.

In that, the truth and beauty of letting go and Molly Bloom’s “yes”–the best of what love and relationships can be. A true completion of self and a beautiful wisdom of soul.


If there was one thing, one truth and bit of wisdom I would offer someone else about love, the above would be it. “One” is ok and necessary–it’s pretty basic to whatever personal survival and success–but the possibility I’ve described is definitely far more meaningful, significant, beautiful, true and satisfying than the best of whatever “one” has to offer.

“When threatened by fear and desire, let ego go.”--Joseph Campbell

“As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think.”–Joseph Campbell

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