3 Strong Takes on Joyce & Dublin

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The first and only movie so far on Joyce’s Ulysses came out in 1967, and I can still remember going to see this memorable black-and-white film in a ‘secondary’ theatre where its ‘risqueness’ was recommended for Adult (18 and up). I was one of a few people viewing it on a Sunday afternoon in a village part of Winnipeg as cars flew past  outside on the narrow Osborne street beside the small theatre. The movie itself contains many of the key scenes from the novel shot on location. There is much humor and, surprisingly, much poetry via Joyce’s words and the director’s more thoughtful choices of images. I believe it captures the core of what the book was about for Joyce without its more erudite, obscurities. There are still some scenes which haunt my imagination.

The second film, James Joyce’s Dublin: The Ulysses Tour is another labour of love by the curator of the Joyce Museum, who takes the viewer around to each of the places associated with each section of Joyce’s great novel. It demystifies many scenes and actually helps one to understand obscure sections much better. It also makes one more aware of Joyce’s adaptations of aspects of Homer’s The Odyssey.


Ulysses Director Joseph Strick would later in 1979 do an even more credible version of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Three thumbs up for anyone interested in or curious about Joyce and his novels.


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