Further Personal Observations on Language

“The difference between almost the right word and the right word is a large matter–it’s the difference between the lighting bug and the lightning.”–Mark Twain

At an early age we repeat what we hear whether phrases (like swearing) or clear complete sentences spoken by an adult.

Choosing words carefully and consciously is centrally important; words chosen express who and what you are.

The most significant frustration or failure in life is an inability to understand others or to make yourself understood. (This can really be a problem when people from different cultures with different mother languages try to communicate with one another.)

If language and language usage are mutually similar and comfortable between persons, there will be much mutual communication, delight, understanding, and appreciation. The enjoyment may be so great that it leads to friendship or other deeper relationships.

Thinking before one speaks or writes is always a good idea. It gives more meaning, purpose, and focus to the communication, and ensures accuracy of expression.

Whether fair or not, ‘poor’ or incorrect grammar often does affect people’s opinions regardless of message and depth of feeling or thought.

Language always depends on context, pure and simple.

Language has and needs rules because broken rules and/or ambiguity can skew meaning. E.g., Let’s eat Grandpa vs. Let’s eat, Grandpa.

Standards are a basis of civilization, civility, communication, and Truth in homes, schools, workplaces, and public venues. There are definitely many places, times, occasions, and reasons for good grammar, punctuation, and usage.

If each person makes up his or her own rules for communication, there’d be chaos and no guarantee of communication at home, in schools, at work, or in public places. Only agreed-upon general usage keeps things running smoothly and efficiently in our society.

Driving safely is only possible because of adherence to commonly agreed-upon rules. Driving ‘ok’ and surviving without injury or damage is not enough per se. Effective communication in a language depends upon an analogous following of general, common rules and usage. Less harm and fewer misunderstandings will happen to people if they follow these.

Careful language use has the potential for Truth and Truth is badly needed these daze.

Grammar and ‘proper’ usage were never a detriment or impediment to talented creative writers, even the great ones like Shakespeare and E.E. Cummings.

The joy of language is knowing the recipe and playing with the recipe.”–RJL (much like jazz musicians need to know the rudiments of music before they can fully and effectively improvise)

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