Giving the Lie to Canadian Diversity and Tolerance

by Mr. Hypocrite Justin.

The Canada Summer Jobs program attestation.
‘Thou shalt agree with the Liberal Left agenda or receive no funding’.

There is no logical connection between grants for summer jobs and taking some absurd, irrelevant oath on women’s and women’s reproductive rights. This arbitrary totalitarian demand flies in the face of freedoms of expression and religions.

I also find it dictatorial that Liberal MPs have to take a pro-Choice oath if they wish to remain federal Liberals. ‘Thou shalt line up on my agenda or else.’

The whole notion of ‘Follow my discriminatory agenda or you’re screwed’ hardly seems benevolent, broad-minded or one supporting do-good religious groups whom our society needs now more than ever. So much for the party window-dressing of fairness, tolerance, and true diversity.

And only an idiot, who ironically professes to be a good Catholic, would unilaterally write off any Christian groups while posing for phony, self-aggrandizing photos with every other ethnic group or race under the sun for a pseudo, limited/limiting notion of diversity.

If Little t gets away with this, it’ll be a Trumpian travesty north of the border.

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