Some Aldous Huxley Views

It is necessary for us to be open to and conscious of information from all systems, sources, and worlds.

It is necessary to balance emotions, flesh, and blood with mind and spirit. The organism needs to open up to the life force. We need to get rid of tensions and repressions in order to let the life force flow. This process requires unblocking the (self-)conscious ego.

It is necessary to balance reason with immediate experience.

Zen occurs when inner and outer are balanced with each other simultaneously.

The material world of mass, energy, space, and time needs to be accepted, embraced, and played with.

Our consciousness can be liberated by breaking the back of ego. Our most memorable experiences are ones with felt/experienced upsurges of consciousness.

Contemplation and consciousness go together.

The irrational requires satisfaction and expression within whatever system. It is necessary to put up with the irrational in harmless, but unrepressed ways.

General philosophical ideas are perhaps best expressed in terms of individual case histories or stories. (Induction as a means to understanding and consciousness)

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