Finding Peace and Focus via Truth, Nature, Beauty, and Wisdom

Things no longer guaranteed in the external, melting-down, deconstructed, widely corrupt, destructive, greedy, largely unchecked political, economic, and social worlds.

Where will you find the four values mentioned in the title? Certainly not in Edmonton, Canada, or the States. Instead, there, only madness, unchecked political leaders, even flagrant hypocritical sexism and racism.

No, one has to look, increasingly, to the examples of great men and women, the lessons and beauty of Nature, the Arts of olde, and the collected wisdom of the best that has been said, done, and written in the past. These truly inspire and epitomize the highest milestones of human history, democracy, and civilization.

It is in and from the past, such as the funeral tributes to Bush 41, that one will relocate and rediscover decency, civility, common sense, perspective, compassion, and that elusive term–humanity. It is in and from the past that education will regain valuable purpose and significant depth. It is only in and from the past that individuals will be able to make any sense of what has happened and been happening the last two years. In that, bearings, focus, and true perspective of fully conscious life and living.

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