Down at the 7-Eleven This Morn

The young woman ahead of me in line buying a loaf of bread to start the day. Breakfast? Survival food? Needed for toast or a sandwich later? No matter how you cut it, survival or continuance for the body, self, or family.

And me, for my part, after having breakfast, buying The Globe and Mail and The National Post to read, to engage with ideas, to find out what’s happening in Canada and elsewhere–a sumptuous, pleasurable luxury/workout feeding my mind, feelings, spirit, and soul.

Different levels. But you know, looking back in history, that’s how it was for a long time; early peoples had to feed their bodies just to survive and get along, moving ahead to a time when after meals, there was time to explore other possibilities; notably those having to do with ideas, thoughts, plans, and other possibilities.

Transcending earthier, more basic levels to increase and experience consciousness and awareness. To exercise other faculties within and expand inner growth and external, physical life possibilities without. Overall enhancing the quality of self and life in larger, deeper, richer ways.

Further thought: that one cannot so readily explore such higher planes of regard sans a loaf of bread or a good meal. About as basic, still, as it gets.

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