“The real marriage of true minds is for any two people to possess a sense of humor or irony pitched in exactly the same key.”–Pearl Buck
“The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. The heart withers if it does not answer another heart.”–Pearl Buck
“Freedom is the spine of love.”–Sophia Loren
“Beauty is an ecstasy; it is as simple as hunger.”–W. Somerset Maugham
“Ecstasy is full, deep involvement in life.”–John Lovell
“Develop an interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music–the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people.”–Henry Miller
“…from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web….we must pick out what is good for us where we find it.”–Pablo Picasso