Monthly Archives: July 2019

Spiritual Captivity

Blake was right again. Many adults experience this and an accompanying mental passivity that reflects a limited, limiting attitude toward life, often related to a desire to control and use others. What he called “the mind-forg’d manacles”. Two ways to … Continue reading

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Which charities would I choose if I had a lot of dough to give?

A significant charity for children with major health challenges. And the SPCA. Nothing is worse than the unfair, undeserved pain and suffering of young children and helpless animals.

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Which moment from my life would I choose to relive?

(the glorious summer of 1969 AD; we were all young and in love once) The May afternoon, 1969, when I stepped off the train from Winnipeg and walked two blocks to the old courthouse on Winston Churchill Square where my … Continue reading

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More Important: Intelligence or Common Sense?

Asking too much of today’s mortals, for sure. To me, it is basic common sense that is lacking widely across the board. People have been so distracted by their phones and computers, they no longer have the common sense that … Continue reading

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O the Sounds of Edmo Summer!

Sirens Lawn mowers Magpies Crows continuously thru the day.

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The Pithiness of Country Songs

“No long explanation No reconciliation No ‘Let’s talk it over’ number I can call Goodbye says it all.” –Blackhawk “There ain’t no ash will burn.” –Ranch Romance “And I won’t play these games no more/Nobody wins” –Radney Foster

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William Blake was Right

One way to divide a person’s life is between Innocence and Experience. It is tough for kids to hang on to their innocence these days. They are bombarded by tv, commercials, advertising, computers and smartphones from the get-go to say … Continue reading

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Edmonton: Officially Closed for Summer

Thanks to Don Iveson and the city, most of Edmonton’s attractions are closed or inaccessible. Getting anywhere in town is a moot point these days anyway with all the roads torn up or closed for construction. This is also the … Continue reading

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A Higher Priority than Climate Change?

A higher big-picture priority these daze might be protecting the Earth from destruction by asteroids. 3 zipped by yesterday, 1 closer than the moon. NASA was late in announcing this. A better detecting system needed? For that matter, I’d rather … Continue reading

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The Truth of the E-Trade TV Commercial

As the impressive air drone appears in the office with drinks on a tray it’s carrying for the workers, it then crashes into a wall. Indeed. So much for brave new technology and certainly the limits and limitedness of drones … Continue reading

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