
is the last of the good/more popular, older Canadian writers. When she dies, the olde pre-20th century CanLit school* is toast (except for maybe Ondaatje if you’re a fan). I would expect her to win the next or second-next Nobel Prize for Literature. She couldn’t fathom Dylan’s selection and was jealous of Munro’s selection. But she’s done enough, especially with the two new series, to get the big prize.

I think she’s overrated and always has been with her limited subject agenda. But I commend her courage in criticizing List Woman who has publicly condemned many men sans traditional presumption of innocence and criminal convictions. It is a disturbing trend smacking of real witch-hunting and McCarthyism. Absolutely no question, as Deneuve also put it, that this fad/trend has gone too far with insignificant people one has never heard of bringing down so many names, more and more lately on the basis of snowflake generation complaints.

The Internet has made it too easy to destroy people’s lives and careers and to make accusations not even entered in courts of law. Truth has often taken a hit these daze with what Trump called fake news. And there is something accurate to that view when applied broadly and generally to online opining by no-names and people with grudges and agendas looking to elevate themselves and their stars. Follow the agenda is my recommendation, as always.

*For the most comprehensive, chronological online history of pre-2oth century Can Lit, cf. my blog


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