Monthly Archives: May 2020

For “Lord of the Flies” Fans

The May 9, 2020 article in The Guardian about 6 real-life British boys’ survival on an island rock. Amazing this story has been unreported/under-reported until now. This will change your views of the author and the book.

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Presence and Non-presence

(Two departed guys I still feel close to years later; their presence remains palpable in many ways) Simply put, someone or something either is or isn’t. He, she, or it exists and has being or doesn’t. You’ll recall that life … Continue reading

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E-mail Remarks Today:

Yes, we have to appreciate whatever dumb or good luck we can eke out in this new ‘normal’. Very existentialist and Viktor Frankl-ish: our life comes down to the personal choices we make under very limited, limiting circumstances. If extermination … Continue reading

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The Most Impressive Woman on Corona

is Laurie Garrett, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of a book on plagues. Very no-nonsense and frank. Something of a Cassandra, she doesn’t think the miracle vaccine will be unpatented (whoever the discoverer is will want to make a profit … Continue reading

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Another grammar loss:

Heard ‘less cars’ instead of ‘fewer cars’ on the tv traffic report. About the seventh instance of misuse I’ve heard of late. That which can be counted is few or fewer. That which is a more general, innumerable quantity is … Continue reading

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What Many Have Known for a Long Time:

We’re each on our own, basically. That song “All by Myself”. (Something certainly in evidence in the States as Trump and the WH hunker down with unlimited medical support, and supplies while the rest of the country is left to … Continue reading

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“Live and Let Die”

playing loudly in the background as Trump toured an AZ mask factory yesterday. Spot-on. Some wicked guy in charge of music there making a point cleverly and absurdly. And T and none of the dopes in his entourage–all sans masks–noticed. … Continue reading

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“Paint It Black” Whim:

Trump wants to paint 175 mi. of the border wall black for $500 million to 3 billion. Now there’s a wise use of public funding a la Rolling Stones.

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Elton and Bernie at Their Best

The forthright, slap-dashness of lines like these in “Your Song”: “I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss Well, a few of the verses, well, they’ve got me quite cross But the sun’s been quite kind while I … Continue reading

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Top 10 Most Influential Women of All-Time

(in no particular order) Madame Curie Emmeline Pankhurst Florence Nightingale Amelia Earhart Mother Teresa Virginia Woolf Elizabeth I Rachel Carson Oprah Winfrey Rosa Parks

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