fear always does people in, especially when it overtakes focus, purpose, rationality, and common sense. Much as is happening now in the States as Trump leads the hoi-polloi by their noses toward his ‘rigged’ election. Truth, honesty, empathy, empiricism, science, common sense, and focus have all taken a hard hit which will never recover Stateside if this orange-faced, big, fat, lying corrupt slob gets in again along with his other big fat corrupt slobs–Barr and Pompeo–a la the pigs of Animal Farm.
I’ve also said before that We do it ourselves. You can see many examples of that in the U.S. right now (and even with Canada with the country’s failure to get rid of corrupt Trudeau).
There is no bottom to fear once you turn it loose, especially when truth and facts get lost in the mix. It is the stuff of dictatorships–Hitler, Putin, Kim, and Trump. Orwell warned us, but for the U.S. it may be too late, after over 20,000 lies by their truly evil, nasty president.