The Rapid Rise of Ignorance and B.S. in North America

Well, it figures. If you have dopes in power like Trump, sooner or later, the lies, frauds, stupidity will work its way down and free the inner ignorance of ‘lower-downs’ and cult followers to rise to the top.

“No social stability without individual stability.”–Aldous Huxley

The problem of individuals and groups with these asinine agendas is now at work on both sides of the border. Here in Canada, there have, likewise, long been crazies who seek power and influence. Now, with social media, they imagine they have it and abuse the airways with disinformation, misinformation, out and out lies, frauds, and sheer b.s. None of them based on a modicum or iota of fact, truth, common sense, reason, and specific evidence.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”–Aldous Huxley

This is, in larger terms, a war on reason, stable rational order, the value of authorities, and science itself. It is much easier and more fun for some to run about with their hair down screaming absurdities in the streets and committing violence in public against anyone who questions or opposes them. Zero critical thinking skills.

Welcome to the new Dark Age, where the more civilized denizens will have to fight to maintain common sense, facts, truth, reason, and science than ever before. It is a huge rejection of how far the West has come after centuries of major progress: a sudden, irrational, recurring preference for evil and sheer darkness.

“We have met the enemy and he is us” (Pogo/Walt Kelly) revisited.

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