Irony: A Review of Terms

“Stop the Steal” is what U.S. authorities did against the domestic terrorism and insurrection. (Nancy’s podium is government property.)

“Patriots” are thugs with a game plan to kill government leaders on January 6, 2021.

These are Macbethian times when “Fair is foul and foul is fair” and “Nothing is but what is not.” Shakespeare and literature (I’ve been quoting Orwell for 4 years) forecast this crapola for centuries now.

There is nothing new under the sun about good and evil or the “heart of man’s darkness” as Golding described it. We, democracy, and civilization continue to survive, literally, by the skin of our teeth. Barbarism is always threatening on the edges. The neanderthal, Village-People animals are always, forever, at the gates. Without guards, sanity, and pushback, global chaos is always imminent.

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