From an e-mail answer to a friend

about a good article on the problems with/limitations of identity politics:

“As the article posits, free-minded discussion, rational argument, and lack of agendas have run off the tracks big time. There is a lot of truth and accuracy in the observations. The current world of Screwball Central that is the States. The opinions are now competing for self-righteous power and control over the many. In particular, the agendas have simply run amok. And now more than ever, individualism and being an autonomous individual are more important and necessary than ever to stem the innumerable wanna-be’s tides.”

All that is true as is the narrow, limited/limiting, irrational, wet-dream, Hitleresque agendas of authoritarianism as ‘necessary quick-fix solutions’ to complex social problems and issues of the day. 1984 revisited.

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