If your mental health feels precarious these crazy days,

it’s likely time to disconnect from the media (including social media) in order to get a break from the chaos, violence, ubiquitous politics, and stupidity.

This is usually a good time to reconnect with yourself, Nature, and your better-angel values.

Exercise, music, meditation, books, and reading can all help, too.

Too easily, people today are caught up in the politics now found everywhere. You have to remember that in politicized situations that everyone has an angle, prejudice, agenda, or assumptions.

It is also important to remember that there is a lot that individuals cannot control and that when one sticks one’s neck out (especially on social media), there is no shortage of nasty dumb-assed trolls with too much time on their hands and no lives of their own who are automatically prepared to complain and dump on vulnerable others.

Often, mentally-distressed people turn to others or drugs for help, but it may be worth remembering that we are responsible for our own lives and we can get better over time in solving our own problems or, at least, being able to put them into perspective.

The name of this blog and the arc of my own life follows Hamlet’s “To thine own self be true”. If you wish to live an autonomous, honest life, this is the only way to go. Likewise, following Joseph Campbell’s “Follow your own bliss.” It’s funny how mental problems become greatly simplified and evaporate when you adopt these two slogans.

And if, indeed, as Sartre wrote, that hell is other people, I guess it’s rather obvious how you can simplify your life, as needed, to make it happier.

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