The Ever-Increasing Pandemic Divide

is now more obvious in Canada.

We have to face the fact that e-media conspiracy theories (as horse dewormer flies off the shelf) have worsened the more ignorant types out here and that they are intransigent.
“We have met the enemy and he is us” revisited for the umpteenth time.

Again, these people are irrational, not concerned with facts, empirical evidence, scientific and health authority, let alone common sense and courtesy.

They are downright dangerous, immoral, and ultra-selfish, prepared to put themselves in hospitals for treatments and bills paid for by the public/many others who are vaccinated.

What’s worse, these idiots do not care a fig about infecting others who have the decency and common sense to get vaccinated in order to actually alleviate the crisis.

Worst of all, these dorks infect family, friends, and children with their blatant, arrogant stupidity.

I have no use for these dumbasses, do not feel sorry when they get sick or die (they have no responsibility for their actions/crazy choices), and feel that if there is a hospital bed shortage that they should be put on waiting lists after responsible, vaccinated people have been taken care of first.

What’s fair is fair. Especially if they are willing to kill off others for their ‘god-given’ rights and ‘freedoms’ to infect and kill others. They are proud criminals and self-satisfied, egotistical murderers. What could be more obvious?

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