It’s all about the substitute drama teacher, baby!

I’ve seen too many headlines saying the returning two Michaels meet with Trudeau and that sure doesn’t help the optics either.

Trudeau, deliberately wearing a white shirt, so he is the predominant figure in all the tarmac footage. Hugging both men and holding them. Wouldn’t it have been enough to shake their hands and leaving all the long embraces for their families?

This was all carefully choreographed to make Trudeau, not the two Michaels, look like the hero in that scene. Trudeau did not free them; fact: the United States did. Trudeau is, again, blowing up his role in things, taking false credit for their freedom.

He makes me really sick with his numerous phony, ongoing, drama-teacher manipulations in the past 6 years. This dope (he is not smart) is a total fraud and has not upheld his office and the law. This stunt on the tarmac this weekend is utterly feckless and shameless as usual in his latest effort to curry totally undeserved political support.

I’m sorry, folks. The real story this weekend is the two Michaels, not this egotistical dauphin-pretender with his frivolous  Henry V tennis balls.

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