Rosemary Barton

the worst person to host the Remembrance Day coverage on CBC. (Even Peter Mansbridge, warts and all, was better.)
No sense of context and appropriateness bringing up sexual assault with the new head of the military, asking multiple questions and re-raising the issue later.
Insulting the old vet, calling him “troublesome”. And she also immediately criticized (“who’s to blame?”) for the Governor-General showing up late past 11 a.m. (!?) Followed by her mangled (she can’t read) “post-hummus” tribute to the deceased rabbi! (The reporter that spoke of the “post-humorous” award to the rabbi should also be sacked.)
Her bored “yeah” answers. As usual, self-focused (“On behalf of me, my team”) and heavily politically agenda-ed.
Let this be the last year she ever destroys the solemnity of this very serious occasion.

*We also did not need the political agenda-ed Bonita Mason who got up to talk about “inclusion” and the pandemic. Today’s political correctness politics has no place in this timeless traditional ceremony.

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