Orwell’s Excellent First Book

Down and Out in Paris and London, first published 1933; this ed. with all material previously omitted from the original for reasons of propriety or libel.

Best book of its kind I’ve ever read about the poor’s day-to-day struggle to survive. Captures the misery, hopelessness, and despair of the ’30s poor in two major European capitals.

We must remember that Orwell began his career as an excellent journalist, writing famous essays such as “A Hanging” and “Shooting an Elephant” and myriad columns for the British press and media. He wrote other memorable works about the working-class poor, but this book is a powerful, memorable bona-fide classic about Orwell’s own experiences of poverty.

Michael Maloney reading is spot-on and makes you feel like you’re listening to Orwell sans any buffer. Highly recommended also.

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