The Poem-a-Day Series, Poem #48

Happy 102nd Birthday, Marshall McLuhan! | Marshall mcluhan, Marshall, Human

(Coiner of the term “Global Village”–Canada’s media guru Marshall McLuhan)

(Since this poem was written, Russia has been engaged in a pointless 3 month genocide of Ukraine with a follow-up of innumerable economic sanctions, making Russia the pariah of the world. The Global Village which had been running relatively fine with free trade everywhere has shrunk with these sanctions, but the rest of the world remains a global village sans Russia as their economy nosedives.)

Otherwise, I stand by the truths of this poem that individuals must needs be, first and foremost, autonomous individuals before the benefits of sharing and connection can be fulfilled. To thine own self be true as played out during and after the pandemic. One must be connected to one’s own lived process to make any sense of the rest of it, so to speak.

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