The universal, ever-present and unfolding facts of change and process

for everyone and everything every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year…

And so human memory and historical memory become very important, and nothing more real and lasting personally, in a sense, than what you did, what you chose and accomplished in your life.

Too, the permanence suggested by The Arts, the artworks that have lasted, notably remarkable structures and buildings as Lord Kenneth Clark pointed out in his acclaimed Civilisation tv series. Having access to these artworks via travel, tours, in person or via videos, books, music and movie players becomes a daily necessity for some like myself. Elitist perhaps, but in the best sense of providing ideals, hope, and inspiration. Works and deeds of genius that uplift and speak to the human soul of the human spirit and its infinite positive possibilities.

All this has certainly given me a greater sense of context (along with my studies of history) of what is eternal, the major recurring patterns and themes, and a sense of glorious permanence that is still available in our contemporary chaotic, upside-down world. And yes, so there are things that shall always be the best of human civilization and cultures that stand as permanent markers of greater meaning and purpose in individual life.

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