I trace a lot of current woes and world instability

back to the early rounds of Brexit in the UK. Followed then by enough people in the U.S. hating the Clintons enough to vote in Trump, who totally demolished American confidence, security, institutions, and law and order.

Consequently, too many Americans have lost decency, common sense, loyalty to democracy and the constitution, and any sense of moral compass.

Meanwhile, the corrupt, lawless, morally bankrupt minority wants to impose and has been imposing its fascist, autocratic agendas on the majority, centered by the most corrupt, evil, traitorous president in U.S. history.

The fall of America and the complete corruption of the American dream have occurred rapidly in the past 6 years. Already 50% of the population are living in something resembling A Handmaid’s Tale. Screwball Central is primed to implode and I detect a strong impending whiff of a barbaric, uncivilized country leaning evermore toward another French Revolution of sorts.

In any case, should be a helluva fall and a very real long winter of discontent, political chaos, and lawlessness.

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