Well, whadya expect?

If only 15% (as of Nov. 10) of Albertans had received the flu vaccine, then, logically, there is going to be a flu epidemic which we are currently seeing.

If people have generally stopped getting Phizer and Modern shots and are not keeping up those schedules, there is going to be a tridemic.

People need to take responsibility for themselves, their kids (kids are currently, likewise, undershot), and their elders (only half have received the flu shot by Nov. 10).

It is logically, therefore, that we have a runaway tridemic which wlll only get worse with no children’s Tylenol or Advil available to that population.

The total failure of provincial and federal government wills means that we are very much on our own anyway these days. ‘Survival of the fittest’ and smartest (with regard to shots and masks).

We are very much on our own at this point in history, which means we have to take charge of and care even more about our own health, the health of our children and elders. *If we don’t do it, there are no guarantees, what with overflowing hospitals, and, certainly, no government posses riding in to save the day for the populace.

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