Reading CNN news this morning at breakfast,

I noted the minor headline about a chartreuse shortage which suggested that monks would know the reason for.

A little while later, while reading “Maples in a Spruce Forest” a poem by John Updike, I got to the ending “The fretted gloom/Is dappled with chartreuse.”

Just saying, it’s not like I see this word much, if at all. But….

And it’s not like I go searching for mysterious, odd designs, patterns, coincidences, or random synchronicities. But….

Daily the universe throws out these random patterns, connections, and coincidences for us to encounter as it (patiently?) waits for our slow, limited perceptions and consciousnesses to discover and perhaps make sense of them.

Argal, much depends human actors and individual consciousness in these myriad, superficially unrelated contexts that often beguile us whenever they occur.

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