Recalling the Unpleasantries of Teaching: 1972-2002

  1. Frequent illnesses–catching colds and other bugs from students; sometimes losing my voice
  2. The treadmill of never-ending marking and report cards. Much worse for senior high English teachers marking batches of essays and other compositions
  3. Unnecessary, perpetual useless, ‘make work’ meetings at noon, after school, and on PD days.
  4. Feckless, useless administrators, particularly in discipline cases
  5. Encroaching technologies: parents phoning through to classrooms, e-report cards (getting worse when I retired)
  6. Parent-teacher evenings and open houses: ‘dog and pony shows’
  7. Forced extra-curricular expectations, especially after hours
  8. (for elementary teachers) paying for learning resources out of pocket and not being reimbursed
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