While many others are losing their common sense, tolerance, and humanity,

trolling, suing, and physically attacking strangers in public, I continue to support peace, reason, and diversity.

We know that nobody is perfect, but that is no excuse for dumping others to satisfy our egos, jealousy, and what Golding called “the Beast within”.

Screwball Central has major consciousness, thinking, and Big Picture problems. There is a movement afoot to deconstruct and tear down everything including the benefits that Western civilization has given us. To reduce everything to the lowest, dumbest common denominator which Vonnegut wrote about, presciently, in “Harrison Bergeron” and Birkerts inĀ The Gutenberg Elegies.

There is also a strong desire to move back to the ‘master-race’ colonial era and eliminate all civil rights, particularly among women and non-whites. In short, a return to injustice, inequality, and public racism.

The Western moral compass is in great jeopardy and will be utterly and irrevocably smashed if Trump is irrationally re-elected, eluding justice and finishing the job of destroying the U.S., the West, global economy, and enabling the other dictators and crazies of the world from taking over.

The world, as we knew it, changed forever with Covid, but all we value and hold sacred and necessary for survival and success will come to an end if Trump gets in.

That he would control the nuclear button should terrify everyone on the planet yet again. He is the crazy madman of Edwin Brock’s “Five Ways to Kill a Man”.

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