Monthly Archives: May 2024

Late Night Stillness via Harry Bertoia CD

Middle of last night; couldn’t sleep, listened to the above CD from his boxset below. Immediately, my heart rate, which had been up during the day, started to go down noticeably. By the end of the disc, I was experiencing … Continue reading

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A rare medical condition originally noted in the late 19th century, but much later brought to public attention at Exeter in 2015. It occurs when the individual cannot visualize images to go with words, spoken or read. This is quite … Continue reading

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The U.S. will not be the first or last country to

destroy itself because of crazy politics, runaway corruption, greed, ignorance, selfishness, out of control violence, and war on rules, democracy, law and order, and one another.

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Infrastructure Is Basic

Personally: one’s own body throughout life. Getting teeth, eyes, knees, hearts, livers, limbs repaired to keep things running. Externally: leaking basements and toilets, cracked sidewalks, crumbling roads, collapsing apartment blocks and bridges, driveways waiting for mudjacking, the damaged highways and … Continue reading

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Review of Ibsen’s “The Wild Duck” (1971, BBC, DVD)

You haven’t seen everything, especially those of you familiar with Ibsen’s plays like A Doll’s House, Hedda Gabler, or An Enemy of the People. The Wild Duck (written in 1884) starts very unremarkably with Hjalmar Ekdal, a lower-class, daydreaming man, going to a dinner … Continue reading

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Obit, Daniel Kramer.

The photographer whose 1964-65 photos made Dylan very famous, iconic, and mystifying.

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Our Greatest Female Storyteller Ever

Obit: Alice Munro, 92. (1st US ed. McGraw-Hill, 1973 dj) (left: Douglas Gibson/M & S  dj, 1986; cover painting: Alex Colville’s “Elm Tree at Horton Landing”, AGO; middle: rare Munro reading of “The Progress of Love”, American Audio Prose Library, … Continue reading

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Roger Corman, King of the ‘B’ Movies Passes, 98

The American International Series directed by Roger Corman and starring Vincent Price (*unless otherwise indicated): 1960 The Fall of the House of Usher 1961 The Pit and the Pendulum 1961 Tales of Terror 1962 The Raven 1962 The Premature Burial … Continue reading

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Strindberg’s “Miss Julie” as a Classic 1951 Film: DVD Review

(Famous Swedish filmmaker Alf Sjoberg’s adaptation-homage of Strindberg’s famous 1888 play later, incidentally, led the way to his collaboration with a young Ingmar Bergman on another movie and influenced Bergman’s early filmmaking thematically and stylistically.) This notorious single-act play used … Continue reading

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The Great Rex Passes Yesterday, 77

(left: Rex’s first book, first tour-stop signing & first tour book signed at Audrey’s, Edmonton, Nov. 2003; met him in a back aisle and chatted before the actual signing got started; right: a follow-up e-mail reply acknowledging our meeting) ……………………………………………………………………………….. … Continue reading

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