Late Night Stillness via Harry Bertoia CD

Middle of last night; couldn’t sleep, listened to the above CD from his boxset below.

Immediately, my heart rate, which had been up during the day, started to go down noticeably. By the end of the disc, I was experiencing deep stillness, calm, and relaxation through the middle of my body. I had experienced this on a previous occasion maybe a year or two ago on a prior listen; the metallic sculpture sounds have a strong somnolent affect on the human ear and body, especially when lying down in the dark.

Very much an ‘aural sedative’ from a unique, artful source: I imagine Bertoia walking around and playing his barn full of innumerable metallic sound installations, gongs, sculptures, bars, etc.

Truly ‘clears and cleans out’ the mind and lungs, leaving just the single impression of s-t-i-l-l-ness and profound calm.

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