Monthly Archives: May 2024

Aileen Cannon to the Rescue

When she chose to announce that Trump’s documents trial was postponed indefinitely, she was responding to a full day of Stormy Daniels’ damning detailed testimony in the election fraud trial.  Her announcement was all about the timing and making Trump … Continue reading

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Re. Oilers’ meltdown in Game 1 vs. Vancouver

The only thing worse than self-destruction is group self-destruction. Large numbers of individuals self-destructing in a situation. The Oilers have a deep psychological problem. We’ve seen it rear its head previously in other games and series. The bottom-line is that … Continue reading

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Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabler”: A Desperate Modern Woman

There have been many desperate women characters in literature including Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Hardy’s Eustacia Vye, Perkins-Gilman’s protagonist in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, and Strindberg’s Miss Julie. Usually, they are driven to desperate choices given restrictive contexts they … Continue reading

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Sandhill cranes flying very high overhead at noon today

Several thousand in a few hours passing by. What each skein looked like, higher than this:

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“The Beatles/1962-1966” 2 CDs (2023): What a Nice Surprise!

Last year producer Giles Martin was thought to be doing a redo of Rubber Soul after completing the Revolver boxset, but, instead, he ended up revisiting The Beatles red and blue albums of greatest hits. The 2023 blue album has several surprises … Continue reading

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People today take themselves too seriously and things too literally

to understand and appreciate the nuances and figurative meanings of irony, satire, paradox, ambiguity, complexity, and subtlety.

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Politics and automatic partisanship

are pretty much bringing the world to a standstill. And there just isn’t enough education, critical thinking, and crap detecting out there to save us from the disastrous results.

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If we have another deadly pandemic like Covid,

it’ll be because the majority of people are just plain stupid/uneducated and turned their backs on masks, vaccines, facts, truth, and science.

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More and more, as the noise, craziness, intrusions, and distractions increase daily,

I shut/tune out all this modern madness, focusing on my personal daily world and family while remaining true to myself. Saves a lot of time, stress, hassle, and unnecessary conflicts. Jean Paul Sartre in his play No Exit wrote that “Hell … Continue reading

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Of late, as I ponder all the hate, aggressiveness, bullying, trolling,

prejudice, and violence toward others out there in the world, I go back to my position for some time now of acceptance and letting go (particularly of the above all based on ego, selfishness, greed, and possessiveness), in order to … Continue reading

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