Monthly Archives: July 2024

Extended Blog Summer Break

Unexpected medical problems being dealt with in July and August. Prognoses likely positive; I remain optimistic. Have a good summer yourselves, y’all.

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Always great to hear all the old Sousa marches

played by military bands on 4th of July. I first heard them when I would go to Winnipeg Warriors hockey games especially on Sundays back around 1959-60. They used to leave my 10 year-old musical brain in awe and wonder … Continue reading

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The Ignoramus Who Runs This Province

Worth Repeating Re. Danielle Posted on January 25, 2024 by rdavies .00245= Posted on November 14, 2022 by rdavies the percentage of all 2,822,303 Albertans voters (2021 figure) who actually voted for Danielle Smith to win her initial by-election (6,923 of total Alberta voters) in 2022. … Continue reading

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Why Fly?

What with all the strikes and airlines adopting hostile attitudes toward even their preferred customers after flights are cancelled. The recent Air Europa incident with over 30 passengers fracturing their skulls and necks in turbulence is a sign of the … Continue reading

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UCP Continues to Kill Albertans Not-So-Softly

The Covid epidemic has been back for months, though deaths and cases are no longer reported. The evil UCP prefers Albertans to remain in ignorance and not getting vaccines. Now, recently, there is a cancer-care crisis which has, likewise, been … Continue reading

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My interest in the United States ended today.

They are so busy trying to destroy themselves and their country from within, that I can no longer muster any enthusiasm or caring for their fates. They continually and wilfully make stupid, corrupt, autocratic choices to destroy their constitution, their … Continue reading

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Terry Fox: The Great Canadian

Canada Day and it’s a good day to remember and celebrate our great Canadians. Certainly Terry Fox, the one-legged runner whose selfless 1980 cross-country charity run galvanized Canadians and cancer awareness, epitomizes the best of what we are and have … Continue reading

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