UCP Continues to Kill Albertans Not-So-Softly

The Covid epidemic has been back for months, though deaths and cases are no longer reported. The evil UCP prefers Albertans to remain in ignorance and not getting vaccines.

Now, recently, there is a cancer-care crisis which has, likewise, been deliberately underpublicized. Instead, the government is bragging egregiously about how much moola they have saved nickling and diming off the backs of Albertans by denying them health-care rights and adequate medical personnel in hospitals and clinics. They’d rather pay nurses much less money to take on doctor responsibilities.

This is the most callous, shameless government in Alberta and Canadian history. They are too busy manufacturing deluded wars at the border and inviting in Trump redneck bigwigs to do their appointed work.


And law and the continuance of the legal system is, likewise, being threatened in Alberta with UCP not supporting the Legal Aid Society, an important core legal body. In this, UCP show a GOP-like interest in lawlessness that is pretty obvious, again removing support for ordinary citizens seeking access to the courts.

People of Alberta, the message has long been clear for this government: it is not in the business of helping and caring for average Albertans; we are on our own and can’t expect a government finger to be lifted when the need for assistance is daily and urgent.

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