Obituary – Richard Davies (Self-Written)

Richard Delmar Davies (1949-2024)

Born: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Died: Edmonton, Alberta

Teacher, Writer, Poet, Singer-Guitarist, Blogger, Hail-Fellow-Well-Met

In my many life-phases, I was also a son, husband, father, grandfather, uncle, dog owner, collector, neighbour, student, paper boy, actor, nursing orderly, letter carrier, band leader, songwriter, textbook author, conference presenter, curriculum writer, and film classifier.

It is now the time for me to say a number of Thanks and Acknowledgements. I would first like to thank my lovely, loyal better-half Karen (nee Karen Leslie Reade) for being the kind, intelligent, hard-working Light and Love of My Life since 1967. Amazingly, she was all ways my closest ally and strongest supporter for over 50+ years.

Secondly, to our remarkable, friendly, intelligent, talented kids – daughter Heather (Jason Kodish) and son Scott (Jessica nee Garvey). Thirdly, to our brilliant, creative, imaginative grandsons Ben and Caleb Davies. Also to our extended family members – especially Cliff and Vera Reade, Arlene and Chris Wold, Becky and Lyle Bouvier, David Karaloff, Les and Trixie Garvey. Each have been special long-time connections.

For the record, I would not be who and what I am, career-wise, without my original amusing, culturally intelligent literature and language mentors Brian Kells, George Brown, and R. Glenn Martin. My many close, talented musical friends have included Wayne Fraser, Robert Mowbray, Murray Smith, Ken Klause, Ken Kulka, and Stuart Millman.

There have also been a select number of close, special friends – each unique and bright – in their own inimitable ways including Glen Kirkland, Dean McKenzie, Hugh Hanson, Betty Shaw, Jerry Wowk, Gerry Lawson, James Mireau, Trevor Hughes, Clint McElwaine, Gerald Lock, Kadrush Radogoshi, Anthony Luengo, Alice Major, Ken Mitchell, Dave Cherrett, and Chu Lam.

Education-wise, I earned a double-major B.A. (English-History) and two Education Grad Diplomas at the University of Alberta. Teaching-wise, I would also like to acknowledge the innumerable friendly, funny, and multi-talented colleagues I taught with over 30 years at Grand Centre High, McNally High, J. Percy Page, and Strathcona High from 1972-2002.

Likewise, thanks to my many bandmates from my Winnipeg folk trio, Clover, Betty Plus Four, Fudge, and the many staff-student groups I fronted and organized from 1968-2003.

And, of course, a last, but not least, thank you my decent, funny, hard-working, supportive parents: the late Rosalie and Vernon Delmar Davies who were responsible for instilling my basic sensibilities and core values in my early formative years.

For more information about me, please explore my blogs and In my memory, donations may be made to the local S.P.C.A. or the Salvation Army.

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