Enshittification of everything

Cory Doctrow (who’s on Mastodon by the way!  https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic ) came up with this term called Enshittification. In fact he has a video on this (from Defcon 32) https://youtu.be/4EmstuO0Em8?si=Tf-T9B_c6x2yB2VM

The word is the practice of a business that tempts you with a cheap service, and tempts businesses with cheap advertising and connections, then lowers the quality of the service to force you to see more ads, then make the service poorer for the businesses then goes belly up or implodes and takes whatever profits it can away.

I’d like to offer an extension of this. Shrinkflation, endless updates that break things and add features that nobody wants. Poor corporate decisions and dumping extra labour on people while jacking the prices.

Self service kiosks:enshittification
Endless food recalls due to contamination:enshittification
AI: mostly enshittification

The world continues to get more and more enshittified and that’s a bit of a tragedy




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