(Waskesiu Lake, SK, wedding-gift painting by Hazel Karaloff, my wife’s aunt; a memory from my wife’s childhood)
(another living-room painting, by ‘Patrick’, gift of my wife’s parents)
(bird ornaments, living room, part of a much larger collection)
(“DOGS”, mixed-media embroidered cushion, living room)
(“City Lights, Edmonton”, 1965 serigraph by George Weber, front hall)
(large poster of Mundy’s Map of Edmonton-Strathcona, January 1911, front hall)
(Pont de Neuf, Paris oil painting, purchased by my parents from a street artist in the 1980s, back hallway)
(“In Dreamland”, picture by Adelaide Hiebel, which formerly hung in my parents’ bedroom since the 1950s–they associated it with me)
(print of a favorite Canadian painting by Francis Ann Hopkins in my bedroom; “Canoes in Fog, Lake Superior, 1869)
(heads of Holmes and Watson on wall by the bookcase of English literature in my bedroom)
A few of my many favourite things…