On Bill Clark and Jim Acosta

(Voltaire and The Smile of Reason)

“I detest what you say; I will defend to the death your right to say it.”–Voltaire

Equally applies to the Edmonton police detective maligned by the millennial snowflake, and to Acosta who had his White House press pass cancelled by Trump.

These people may have upset others, but this does not mean that free speech is suddenly null and void just to suit the narrow agendas and nasty retributive actions of petty individual listeners.

This has been a real problem in Canada, especially on campuses of late (where free speech used to be defended; e.g., Jordan Peterson) causing people to be fired merely because of opposing agendas. Orwell’s “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” revisited.

No question that, when freedom of speech and of press take hits, democracy becomes destabilized and moves more toward a banana-republic style.

(the 20th century’s most prophetic author)

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