Despite our long history of wars

and a long, relatively civilized Western peace, about 1/4 (more like 2/3 in the States?) of folks out there are clearly restless and ready to demonize the civilized, responsible, broader-minded majority and impose divisions in both North American countries.

They are choosing to divide and conquer, though not much will be left if they get their way. T.S. Eliot predicted that civilization would end with killing in the streets, which has long been manifest in the States and is becoming more common these days in Canada.

I am normally a peace-loving guy like the majority of Albertans and Canadians, but these anti-vaxxers have made us ‘the enemy’! These dummies do not like us, the laws, and any rules limiting their egos. In fact, they prioritize personal ego over everybody else in our society, including children.

That means that each of us is involved (whether we like it or not) in the imagined quarrel the dopes have picked with the innocent, minding-their-own-business majority. We have to know where we stand and why. We have to know that these muckrakers need to be kept in check and denied their narrow little implosive agendas. It is definitely the time not to be distracted or to lose our heads, likewise, especially with public mental health being under siege.

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