It’s Alberta Doctors

who are addressing the Covid and opioid crises, not the do-nothing redneck UCP government who are quite comfortable watching Albertans die especially if they’re old since that’s nothing to be concerned about (recalling Kenney’s opinions). These callous buggers are only interested in power and their high salaries not the lives of Albertans.

The bleeding obvious is the vaccine passport issue since passports would force the unvaxxers to get vaccinated. Also there needs to be a masking policy for kids across the province until their vaccines get here in 2022. UCP is not only ignoring these crises, they are abandoning the people totally. Kenney’s dumb-ass, cynical $100 bribe is a total abject failure. Albertans lack leadership and government right across the board. We have a government that is, unconscionably, ‘getting away with murder’ in front of public eyes.

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