“Context is all.”–John Updike

Also, the best newspaper column in recent memory is Andrew Cohen’s “Ukraine forces moral clarity on the world”, Edmonton Journal, March 12, 2022, (starts off “Over the last fortnight, the invasion of Ukraine… if you go looking for it online):

“[Our Canadian] grievances look petty, small and narcissistic; the “freedom from vaccines” that roiled Canada suggests the paranoia  of a snowflake society.

Note to anti-vaxxers: no one forced you to take the vaccine. You are not being sterilized like millions in India in the mid-1970s. Yes, the vaccination was a condition of crossing the border in a truck, a job you were free to leave, in a near full-employment economy, for another line of work.”

“Now, as the threat of nuclear war returns, so does a more serious culture, rinsed of superficiality, self-indulgence and hyperbole.” To say nothing of egotistical frivolousness.

A return to sanity–let’s hope–and a return to common sense, reason, perspective, thinking, moral thinking, critical thinking, thoughtful problem-solving, the educated imagination, understanding, appreciation, empathizing, sympathizing, and “the greatest good for the greatest number”.

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