Way to go, Jason and UCP!

Thanks to your totally honest, conscientious, and intelligent handling of the pandemic, Alberta has the lowest rate of vaccinations of any province or territory! You win again!!

Though redneck/trucker convoy/antivaxxers figure into that stat, you have to look at things like Denna Hinshaw pronouncing the pandemic as over last summer and the quiet closing of the Agricom in Edmonton for mass vaccinations–“The Pandemic is over, folks!” has been the consistent UCP messaging way ahead of and different from all other provinces the past two years.

Jason and the UCP have been totally against the people of this province since day 1 and Kenney’s corruption began with the first leadership vote (still mired today in murky legal jeopardy) and continues through the rigged leadership vote result none of us are waiting for with bated breath because the fix was in as soon as he changed the voting procedure. Yes, yes, we already know he “won” in a vote that should have taken no more than 24 hours to announce a result for.

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