The Most Glorious, Sublimest Sunday Music

may be 1797-8’s “The Creation” oratorio by Haydn. Music of the Spirit representing a high point for the Arts, Music, and Western civilization for that matter.

Haydn: Father of the symphony, string quartet, piano sonata, piano trio, and concerto.

160 CD set by the most underrated, underappreciated classical composer of all time. (Never mentioned, for example, as a worthy #4 or 5 memorable, significant ‘runner-up’ to the traditional Bach, Beethoven, Mozart popularity evaluations. BTW/Much of his life was spent outside Vienna, which contributed to that view.) Beethoven’s teacher and Mozart’s friend, affectionately dubbed “Papa” by them and many others.

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Forgotten, Little-Known Hollywood Legend Inventor

Hedy Lamarr.

Google her name to find out how relevant she is today in terms of advanced technological development. Amazing woman!

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Daily Morning Excitements

in these parts come in the form of the resident squirrel and blue jays anxiously awaiting breakfast in the backyard. Often I either throw peanuts to the blue jays near the patio window or head out in my robe to hand over the first peanut of the day to the squirrel who snags it from me when I proffer it, as I also go out to put out sunflower seeds, much-appreciated by the sparrows, juncos, nuthatches, finches, and other small birds. The doling out is inevitably followed by hearty appreciation, relief, and enjoyment by one and all.

I started feedings back in 2006 thereabouts to increase my connection with Nature and to fill the gap left by the passing of our 18 year-old beloved, black female miniature poodle in 2005. I have since learned much about these creatures–their similarities to humans, reciprocally–and they have provided much engagement and entertainment, especially through the pandemic era and afterward.

For money-minded types, this costs me something like $125 a year (even with twice-daily feedings–hint: break up the peanuts before feeding), which is small potatoes given the rewards, benefits, and pleasures for having and engaging with Nature, literally, just outside the family room. Among the purposes in my life, these daily connections remain basic and fundamental to a more complete mode of living at age 74. The best $125 I have ever spent for a gift that truly keeps on giving.

Bird Man of Mil Woods


(Starting each day, providing breakfast for my aery brethren, regardless of weather….)

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”–William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida

Even Better

(Restocking the bird tray with Grandpa; passing on a love of Nature to family)

Further Afield

(Feeding chickadees and nuthatches by hand in Laurier Park on a fall morning)

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The Greatest Canadian Stage Play Ever

is Nothing Sacred, George Walker’s 1988 brilliant, highly engaging, Governor-General’s Award-winning adaptation of Turgenev’s Father and Sons, set in 1860s Russia.

It is a wonderfully witty, incredibly fast-moving, ultra-ironic comedy-satire with many ideas and conflicts, interesting characters and scenes.

I first saw it around 1980 at the Citadel and am fortunate enough to have an off-air VHS of a 1995 Toronto production which is a recording of a live performance which I just happily viewed today for the first time. Still powerful, entertaining, and timeless.

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What to Make of Buffy after the CBC Doc?

007 (6)

I’ve followed her since 1967, bought her records and CDs, seen her in concert, even bought her recent Canada Post Stamp special issue. Is she, now, just/merely another Grey Owl-styled, white European native impersonator going back to her arrival on the folk scene in 1962 in New England?

Since I began following her, she has long struck me as the ‘real thing’: a beautiful, talented native woman who looks, speaks, sings, dresses memorably and convincingly as a First Nations person. She doesn’t seem to have a phony bone in her and has long sincerely and honestly written about and represented native peoples. She has never said anything publicly about not being native.

When I listen to her perform, especially on her last two albums, I hear a contemporary First Nations woman-performer. If anything, she has become more upfront and vocal about native rights and native spirit. She has long been a passionate woman-artist who never seemed or appeared to be anything remotely ‘colonial’ or ‘European’.

Strange things, accidents (switched or adopted babies), and obfuscations have sometimes happened in the mists of the past. Buffy claims she does not fully know her biological story and seems adamantly sincere about this. In the past, she has always spoken honestly and this may be the time, given her long admirable and impressive record, to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she is who she feels herself to be.

To me, Buffy remains native, complete with her Saskatchewan Piapot family connections. She has also long been accepted as being native by many native people who maybe intuit better what CBC journalists might not possibly know. My own personal intuition is that Buffy is no Grey Owl playing unconvincing games and deliberately misleading the public and media on what she feels and knows in her spiritual bones to be true. And her fierce honesty, integrity and consistency go back seven long decades.

011 (6)

(1968 concert program)

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Trump Has Compared Himself, Falsely, to

Jesus Christ (to get the Christian and evangelical fundamentalism vote),

Abraham Lincoln (to show how racially just he is),

Winston Churchill (to show what a rallying, bandwagon force he is, trying to save America)

Mona Lisa (to suggest how beautifully mysterious he is),

and Nelson Mandela (to curry favor with black voters).

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Three Things That Say It All About Life Today:

Needles scattered and buried in playgrounds.

Veterans’ monuments vandalized and defaced.

National Park Bighorn sheep beheaded for poacher trophies.

(Welcome to 2023, when “the worst are full of passionate intensity”, where nothing is sacred, and indifference, hatred, and nasty violence are unconscionably and egregiously ubiquitous.)

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72 Years Later


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Fall Peace for Two Always Works.

The rest of the crazy world hardly matters when you’re well- and clearly-focused on fully and consciously focusing and living in your own space.

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Once More unto the Lake in Fall

Goin’ to Graceland, still.

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