Goodbye Kleenex in Canada

What’s next to be unavailable to the large Canadian market?

(I will go on using washable handkerchiefs as I have since starting school. Always be prepared, I say.)

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Thoopid Parents

Cracking eggs on their kids’ heads.
Child abuse pure and simple, to say nothing of sick.

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“She’s getting killed”

Trump referring to and threatening Fani Willis in last evening’s Tucker Carlson interview.
If I were Willis or the judge, I would have moved on that deliberate comment to censure him or put him in jail for threatening his prosecutor.
Amazingly, no one else has commented on this pointed remark in the media yesterday or today!

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Grandson’s (8) Drawing of the Universe (in process)

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Anything (Not) Bolted Down Dept. (cont’d)

will be stolen.

In Shuswap, multiple thefts of fire fighting equipment. People taking it upon themselves to fight their fires. Uh, how do they expect firefighters to put out their fires?

In Edmonton, NWT license plates are being stolen off evacuees’ vehicles. Redneck hospitality.

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The Major Canadian Crisis Today

As Yellowknife evacuates its 20,000 residents and Maui tries to move on from its toxic conflagration, the National Post has identified serious hard news that troubles Canadians.

“The Liberals’ Taylor Swift Ticket Fiasco Is the Greatest Crisis of Our Times: Generations of Canadian Swifties will never be able to afford tickets.”


Now there’s a university offering an English literature course in Swift—Taylor not Jonathan! It analyzes her lyrics as significant literature. This shows yet again how post-secondary education is in decline as this university panders shamelessly to pop culture.

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Olde Idioms/Sayings Worth Hanging Onto

Achilles’ heel
Across the board
Albatross around one’s neck
Alive and kicking
All dressed up and nowhere to go
(It was) all Greek to me.
All in the same boat
All systems go
All that glistens is not gold
Angry young man
Apple of the eye
Armed to the teeth
At each other’s throats
Avoid like the plague

Babe in the woods
Back to the drawing board
Back to the wall
Bad hair day
Baptism by fire
Bark is worse than his bite
Beating about the bush
Beauty is only skin deep.
Below the belt
Beside oneself
Bite the bullet
(To the) bitter end
Blessing in disguise
Blow by blow account
Bone to pick
Brass tacks
Break a leg
Break the ice
Bring the house down
Bring home the bacon
Buck the system
Burning bridges
Bury the hatchet
By and large

Call it a day
Call a spade a spade
Carte blanche
Catch 22
Caught red-handed
Chip off the old block
Chip on his shoulder
Clear the decks
Cold shoulder
Credibility gap
Crocodile tears
Curiosity killed the cat
Cut the mustard
Cutting edge

Dark horse
Dead heat
Dead ringer
Devil’s advocate
Dog days
Don’t give a fig
Don’t count your chickens
Don’t shoot the messenger
Double cross
Down in the dumps
Draconian measures
Drop of a hat

(The) Eagle has landed
Easy as ABC
(Don’t put all your) eggs in one basket
Every dog shall have his day
Eye for eye
Eye of the needle

Fall on your sword
Fifth column
Final straw
Fingers crossed
(At) first blush
Fit as a fiddle
Flash in the pan
Flotsam and jetsam
(Go) fly a kite
Fly off the handle
Freudian slip
Full of beans

Get one’s goat
(Don’t look a) gift horse in the mouth
Gone to pot

Halcyon days
Ham actor
Hang fire (Hold tight)
High and dry
(On his) high horse
Hoist by one’s own petard
Hold the fort (Hold the phone)
(Eating) humble pie

In the groove
Inside track
Irons in the fire

Jam session
Je ne sais quoi
Jog the memory
Jump the gun

Kangaroo court
Keep it mum
Keep your shirt on
Killing with kindness
Kiss of death
Know the ropes

Lay an egg
Learn by heart
Leave no stone unturned
Let the cat out of the bag
Let her rip
Lock, stock, and barrel

(In the) long run
Loose cannon
Luck of the Irish

Mad as a hatter (Mad as a March hare)
Make the grade
Make no bones about it
Make one’s mark
Mending fences
Method in his madness
Midas touch

Naked truth
Nest egg
Nick of time
Nipped in the bud
No great shakes
No such thing as a free lunch
Nodding acquaintance
(Keep your) nose to the grindstone
(It’s) not over till the fat lady sings

Off the wall
Old boys’ network
On the back burner
On the level
On the wagon
Over a barrel
Over the moon

Pan out
Paper tiger
Pass the buck
Pay the piper
Pecking order
Pipe dream
Poetic justice
Point blank
Pot calling the kettle black
Pound of flesh
Pull one’s leg
Pull one’s weight
Put a sock in it

Rack one’s brains
Rain check
Raining cats and dogs
Rat race
Read between the lines
Real McCoy
Red herring
Red letter day
Red tape
(It’s not) rocket science
Rope them in
Rotten apple
Rule of thumb
Run amuck
Run the gauntlet
Run of the mill

Salad days
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
Seat of the pants
Seventh heaven
(With a) silver spoon in his mouth
Sit on one’s hands
Skin of our teeth
(Nothing to) sneeze at
Spick and span
Spruce up
Steal one’s thunder
Stomping ground

Take a back seat
Take the cake
Take a gander
(Now you’re) talking turkey
Third degree
Thrown in the towel
Tip of the iceberg
Touch and go
Trump card

(Taking) umbrage
Under the weather
Upper crust
Upset the apple cart

Vote with your feet

Wash one’s hands of
(Don’t be a) wet blanket
Whatever floats your boat
Whipping boy
White elephant
White feather
Wide berth
Wild goose chase
Wing and a prayer
Worth his salt
Writing is on the wall.

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So Much for E-Communication and Coherence

This morning I was typing “memory” and Autocorrect changed it to “vmemory”, which I noticed when I highlighted it.
Then I was given a choice of “memory” as a possible correction, which I chose.
Instead, Autocorrect just inexplicably changed it to “a”!

This so-called efficient, helpful tech often gratuitously foils us in our daily attempts to communicate clearly. One always has to proofread carefully before pressing “Send”.

Likewise, I would never trust a GPSs in a vehicle.
Many people have ended up on dead-end roads, roads going nowhere, and have even died in winter, in wilderness, or on deserts because of faulty tech.

As I have long said “Technology will never love you” and certainly cannot be trusted. ChatGPT users beware!

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The Potential Expansiveness of Some Folks’ Memories

-As one ages, one has experienced more and has more, potentially, to recall based on sheer length and breadth of lived personal experience

-If one has travelled, one remembers special or lifetime trips as well as memorable holidays, especially with family and friends

-Speaking of the dead, those family members and friends who are remembered in the course of the day as one is conversing or looking about the house, seeing photos of them (including albums). The memories of family are expanded even more when we recall not only what a family member’s life was like, but also from what we recall of their own memories of other people and other generations.

Reading (books), listening (music, spoken word CDs, concerts) and viewing experiences (tv and film) must also be factored in. One remembers favourite songs, pieces of music, tv shows, documentaries, feature films. Images of all sorts tend to be deposited in the senses and mind, some sticking for decades. One of those images is smell, which we are told, can produce strong, vivid recalls from childhood, for instance—the smell of wolf willow from a prairie beach, for instance. Tastes, too, especially in comfort foods, evoke specific memories as well. Opening a fresh pod of peas, for instance, can send memory back to gardens or farm days.

In the case of reading, our imaginations have also been stimulated, enlarged, and even educated (Northrop Frye) through both casual and more formal school reading, particular of books and poetry. Reading fosters empathy, sympathy, and connects us to others, even those we don’t know, as in sympathy for the Maui survivors from the tragic wildfires. Any reading of history, the arts and sciences also expands our knowledge of cultures and world history, the lives of the famous and great as well as the lives of artists, scientists, and innovators. We subsume them, too, in our memory banks if we have larger subject interests and are life-long learners beyond grade 12. Thus, there are many other memories, potentially, of non-family people and fictional/movie characters we have been moved by.

-If one was born before the current age, one’s memory will contain many other historical and cultural contexts. Therefore, one may remember the sixties, wars, Hiroshima, JFK’s assassination, or the Depression. Those five examples, for instance, would subsume many unique contexts and views of life.

So, as you can see, memory need not be just confined to what has happened to oneself since birth. It may include many memories of family, friends, loved ones, pets, characters, and real-life people from other places and times. It was Walt Whitman who wrote “I am large, I contain multitudes” and the potential expansiveness of memory via fuller consciousness and awareness.

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“Lock Him Up”

91 charges and climbing.
13 from Fani’s indictment in Georgia.

NYTimes headline:

The incredible significance of a black female prosecutor indicting Donald Trump.

I just wish, though, that the media would stop providing excuses and possible defences for Trump and serving them up publicly on a platter.

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