Rex Right-On as Usual

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(left: Rex’s first book, first tour-stop signing & first tour book signed–which I was first at Audrey’s, Edmonton, Nov. 2003, to get signed, in an aisle before the actual signing got started; a follow-up e-mail reply indicating he was seeing the finished book/my copy above for the first time)


Universities today are “slenderly disguised kindergartens for intolerant narcissists.”
–another super Rex Murphy column, “University Administrators and real professors should take note: every brain needs a spine”, National Post, Nov. 14, 2015

Murphy has been and remains our top journalist social critic and satirist in Canada. Fearless, perspicacious and witty with an amazing deployment of diction, allusion, and pop culture references. Pointing out the hypocrisies of phony aggrieved p.c. victims as usual.


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