Our Ignorant, Egotistical, Disrespectful, Disgraceful Prime Minister

who deliberately chose to walk through the Remembrance Day throngs in Ottawa back to his office only to happy to have selfies taken as the ceremony ended and the salivating CBC sensing a significant moment extended their coverage allowing Justin to become the ‘real story’ and climax of the national ceremony.

He had a choice. CBC had a choice and both choices were about agenda and Justin/Liberal aggrandizing, or rather inflicting Trudeau’s frivolousness on a captive nation of viewers.

This Liberal bent was reflected, too, in the over-the-top female reporter who twice brought politics and her Liberals/Justin-as-saviour agenda into her remarks, into the coverage. Politicking and political or egotistical agendas have no place on this sacred day traditional dedicated to remembering veterans and their more significant sacrifices on behalf of our country.

The behavior of both CBC and Trudeau were both disrespectful and disgraceful, and the CBC lost huge objectivity and credibility with their shallow ratings choice to turn the focus away from the vets to our stupid (says hair for heir, pulls out planes from the terrorist war, and insists screening processes be speeded up to accommodate an egotistical, irrational election promise that flies in the face of common sense and here-and-now reality), clown PM.

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