The Continued Confuting of Language in TV Media

A female reporter on CBC News Network saying the dead David Cassidy was in “incredible condition” before he died yesterday. Uh, how could he have been in incredible condition with dementia and other various serious health problems?

On CNN, another female reporter saying the attack on Rand Paul was “from” Paul. How was that possible with Paul being blindsidedly hit from behind while he was sporting headphones peacefully mowing his lawn?

The continuing distortion of clear communication and meanings. What wrong messages and misunderstandings do the media create with this sloppiness and carelessness in their use of language?


Hacking is a bad thing. But now thanks to the ambiguous introduction of “hacks” as a good thing, there is suddenly no distinction on what the word “hack” means. “Nothing is but what is not”, “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (Macbeth). Is it any wonder that through the confuting of language and ambiguous meanings and usage, that people no longer know things clearly and for certain? That words can mean whatever you want them to mean? ( a la Trump and this Trumpian era)


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