It’s been a very rough year in terms of Nature.

(“One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin.”–Shakespeare)

Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, etc.
We kid ourselves a lot of the time that we are in control of things, our lives, and worlds we inhabit.
But Nature remains the greater context in which we live and are ruled. (To say nothing of the greater perspective of space and how the Earth as we know it might someday end.)

In the meantime, we take a lot for granted including the illusions that we, each of us, will live forever, and that our ‘secure’ worlds will be permanent. The only constant is change, as reported here and elsewhere, many times. The fact thereof.
Meantime, whatever we can do to help or protect Nature is a worthwhile pursuit or purpose whether we adopt animals, plant trees, or join an environmental group protecting some aspect of Nature.

Nature–the greater perspective and context. What is our relationship with it? How can we make a contribution?

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