Pity the Poor Souls

(Living and creating ‘Large’)

who don’t have Art in their lives. Those who have never seen or experienced the great painters and paintings. Those who have never savoured the great music of Beethoven, Bach, and Louis Armstrong. Those who have never seen the great films by Ingmar Bergman, Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean, and Robert Altman. Those who have never read or seen great plays like those of Shakespeare, Ibsen, and Chekhov., or been to good live theatre. Those who have never seen the great sites and buildings of the world. Those who have never read about great people like Michelangelo, Einstein, and Walt Disney. Those who have no sense of social contexts and the relevance of history. Those who don’t care or empathize. Those who are too cheap, money-grubbing, and materialistic. Those who think corrupt politics is the highest calling.

Imagine those then who liveĀ trapped in skin-capsulated egos with no sense of anything other than instant gratification and expecting the world to conform to their narrow, limited selves. Imagine what the Existentialist term “Death-in-life existence” means today as applied to these cynical, selfish, limited people. O how little they know, how much to discover…

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