(On a whim to visit a Dollar Store, I found and bought this video classic on sale for $3, took it home and watched it only to realize and write about the amazing connections between the protagonist Willie Stark and Donald Trump, separated by 70 years.)
Those daily synchronicities.
At my daughter’s house, an owl fell from a bathroom shelf. Within minutes, her ‘owl’-companion was involved in an ETS crash on the way home on his side of the bus.
At the sale, my mentioning long-retired CTV reporter Fred Kazakoff who was a seller to my wife.Then, within days, her finding Fred’s name on one of her late mother’s calendars. As to why her mother should have done that is unknown, a mystery.
I find these coincidences and portents are common in the daily flow. It is as if these synchronicities are just built in or ‘in the air’. One things sets off and connects to another under different circumstances creating an uncanny resonance as if these things are connected and all meant to be. They just happen; they just ‘are’, and form interesting, curious connective aspects of our consciousness. The more open and accepting you are, the more they seem to happen and inform our lives.