My Favorite Group Terms

a nest of vipers
a string of ponies
an army of caterpillars
a den of thieves
an embarrassment of riches
a mess of pottage
an exaltation of larks
a skulk of friars
a gang of elk
a parliament of owls
a murder of crows
a herd of harlots
an incredulity of cuckolds
a flush of plumbers
an inertia of janitors
a file of manicurists
a descent of relatives
a sniff of waiters
a sclerosis of fast foods
a streak of gamblers
a bouquet of winetasters
a heep of syncophants
a spread of centerfolds
a crack of chiropractors
a wince of dentists
a wrangle of philosophers
a shower of meteorologists
a blur of Impressionists
an odium of politicians
a marvel of unicorns

(selected from James Lipton’s imaginative An Exaltation of Larks)

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