The Poem-a-Day Series, Poems #20 & 21

Winner of ARTA’s News & Views poem contest. winter 2015 issue.

The magazine picture is evocative though the mountain views from the first hills west out of Calgary on #1 would have been more accurate and exhilarating. This poem ‘wrote itself’ on my way to a Banff film conference when I stayed at the cabin of my Scona colleague whose classroom was next door to mine. I’ll include the ‘cabin poem’ below which they had framed and hung in their cabin after my stay:


There is nothing quite like solitude, especially when you’re ‘soaking up’ and totally immersed, as an individual, in beautiful, quiet, wild scenery. One is left with nothing except words and images, strong inner feelings (in this case, of peace), and, if you’re lucky, another poem that ‘wrote itself’.

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